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Every Book on Emma Watson's Reading List

Join the club.

Lip, Hairstyle, Eye, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow, Eyelash, Publication, Organ, Beauty, pinterest

Like her beloved characters Hermione Granger and Belle, Emma Watson LOVES to read. She loves it so much she started a global, monthly Goodreads book club of feminist texts. She's recruited a team to hide books for people to find all over the world. She once took a year off from acting to read more (really!). She even allows everyone to keep tabs on her growing reading list. Here, we round up some of her favorites:


'The Vagina Monologues' by Eve Ensler

Reading, Forehead, Book, Publication,

This was her January/February 2017 selection for her Goodreads book club, Our Shared Shelf.


'Women Who Run With Wolves' by Clarissa Pinkola Estes

Skin, Nose, Selfie, Photography, Mouth, Child, Smile, Photo caption, Jaw, Baby,

"Estes' ideas are both ancient and completely new. She points to storytelling, our ancient narratives, as a way for women to reconnect to the Wild Woman all women have within themselves, but have lost," Emma shared when she selected this book for March/April 2017.


'My Life on the Road' by Gloria Steinem

Face, Facial expression, Eyebrow, Nose, Selfie, Lip, Forehead, Photo caption, Photography, Smile,

She read the book in January 2016 for Our Shared Shelf.

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'The Color Purple' by Alice Walker

Text, Purple, Publication, Violet, Book, Book cover, Rectangle, Cottage, Novel,

"I am trying to choose works that cover as much ground as possible and are diverse," Emma wrote to her book club in February 2016, "I've heard amazing things about this book from a person that I trust."


'How to Be a Woman' by Caitlin Moran

Hair, Head, Nose, Cheek, Eye, Hairstyle, Publication, Chin, Forehead, Eyebrow,

"I read it on a plane from London to New York and I laughed out loud and cried so much I think the whole of my cabin, airline staff included, thought I was losing my mind," Emma wrote in March 2016.


'All About Love: New Visions' by bell hooks

Text, Font, Wing, Insect, Pollinator, Poster, Arthropod, Moths and butterflies, Butterfly, Advertising,

Emma chose this as her March 2016 choice for Our Shared Shelf after bell hooks interviewed her for Paper. "It's been on my list for a while," she said.

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'The Argonauts' by Maggie Nelson

Finger, Hairstyle, Publication, Eyelash, Book cover, Blond, Brown hair, Nail, Book, Hair coloring,

On reading this book, Emma wrote in April 2016, " It might require a bit of work but The Argonauts rewards us with an expansive way of considering identity, caretaking, and freedom—along with a liberation from, what Maggie calls, 'the demand that anyone live a life that's all one thing.'" She said, "Maybe it will change the way we think and speak about others and ourselves?"


'Persepolis' by Marjane Satrapi

Face, Eyebrow, Skin, Head, Forehead, Nose, Chin, Selfie, T-shirt, Smile,

"As Iran enters another important period of change, with relations re-opening with much of the world, I think this is a particularly good time to pick up Persepolis," Emma wrote in June 2016, "Satrapi's deceptively simple, almost whimsical drawings belie the seriousness and rich complexity of her story–but it's also very funny too."


'Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl' by Carrie Brownstein

Sitting, Grass, Smile, Tree, Reading, Photography, Technology, Hand, Happy, Plant,

Emma selected this book as her July/August 2016 Our Shared Shelf pick.

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'Half the Sky' by Sheryl WuDunn, Nicholas Kristof

Hair, Face, Eyebrow, Hairstyle, Forehead, Technology, Photography, Electronic device, Long hair, Smile,

In August 2016 Emma suggested this book which, she writes, helps readers "learn that the key to enabling change and economic growth is in unleashing women's potential."


'Mom & Me & Mom' by Maya Angelou

Text, Reading, Forehead, Book, Font, Hand, Finger, Photography, Publication, Magazine,

"This is perhaps the greatest window into what shaped Angelou as a writer and poet and a fitting end to a lifetime of amazing works," Emma wrote in her review when she selected this book as her November 2016 read.


'His Dark Materials' by Philip Pullman

Book cover, Illustration, Poster,

This fantasy trilogy's main character Lyra Belacqua is one of Emma's favorite female fictional characters, as she Tweeted in October 2015.

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'A Thousand Splendid Suns' by Khaled Hosseini

Text, Novel, Book cover, Poster, Sky, Font, Book, Publication, Adaptation, Fiction,

While interviewing Malala Yousafzai in November 2015, the two agreed on enjoying this book.


'The Opposite of Loneliness' by Marina Keegan

Sleeve, Collar, Microphone, Style, Street fashion, Fashion, Long hair, Blond, Brown hair, Layered hair,

Emma tweeted about the book in February 2015, "I had to tell you about this book. If you've already read it tell me what your favourite bits were."


'Wild,' 'Torch,' and 'Tiny Beautiful Things' by Cheryl Strayed

Text, Product, Book cover, Advertising, Flyer, Font, Poster, Room, Novel, Book,

"It's been less than 3 weeks and I have devoured Torch, Tiny Beautiful Things, and Wild," Emma wrote in a  January 2015 tweet thanking author Cheryl Strayed and Reese Witherspoon, who played her in the movie Wild.

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'Love Letters to the Dead' by Ava Dellaria

Font, Text, Book cover, Sky, Novel, Graphic design, Album cover, Book, Sitting, Photography,

"Dear Ava, I loved your book," Emma tweeted in March 2014.


'The Diving Bell and the Butterfly'

Invertebrate, Insect, Text, Pollinator, Arthropod, Butterfly, Amber, Moths and butterflies, Wing, Publication,

When a follower on Twitter asked for a book recommendation in March 2014, she shared this one.


'The Queen of the Tearling' by Erika Johansen

Font, Publication, Book cover, Book, Poster, Novel,

"I had kind of said I would never do a franchise again, so I was desperate to hate it," she told Wonderland in 2014, "Unfortunately, I didn't sleep for about a week because I couldn't put the bloody thing down. It would be fair to say I became obsessed with the role and the book. Now I am executive producing it."

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'Quiet' by Susan Cain

Text, Font, Book cover, History, Book,

"I'm kind of an introverted kind of person just by nature, it's not like a conscious choice that I'm making necessarily," Watson told Rookie after reading this book in 2013, "Coming to realize that about myself was very empowering."


'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green

Font, Text, Poster, Illustration, Calligraphy, Art,

"I stayed up til 4 finishing your book last night," Emma tweeted to the author in September 2013.

Headshot of Kristina Rodulfo
Kristina Rodulfo
Beauty Director

Kristina Rodulfo is the Beauty Director of Women's Health—she oversees beauty coverage across print and digital and is an expert in product testing, identifying trends, and exploring the intersections of beauty, wellness, and culture. Prior to Women's Health, the Filipino-American, NYC native and NYU alumna was at for four years. As Senior Beauty Editor, she reported and co-produced the Webby Award-nominated documentary Beat: How Drag Queens Shaped the Beauty Industry and hosted the millions-viewed video series "Beauty Haul." She can never decide whether or not to get bangs, feels naked without winged eyeliner, and will never shut up about running the NYC Marathon. 

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